Christianity is Roman War Propaganda against the Jews (and, by extension, all natives). Jesus predicted the destruction of the Jewish Temple within one generation and this was realized by the Roman Emperor Titus Flavius who destroyed the Temple and razed Jerusalem in the First Jewish–Roman War.
Jesus and Titus are mirror images; the mock Messiah Jesus, who is abandoned and vilified by his own people foreshadows the conqueror and benign imperial Savior, Titus.
This arrangement is the prototype for the sepoy apologist demonizing and disarming the native on behalf of the Empire. Additionally, the sepoy Messiah masks the Conqueror's identity and imparts deniability to the Conqueror.
The mock Messiah vilifies his own people as intolerant (Jesus thrashes the greedy Jews in their own Temple; Gospels are highly anti-semitic), while giving a free pass to the colonial entity (Jesus absolves Pilate of any crime while the Jews take the blood of their own Messiah "upon their heads and upon their children").
Indeed, it appears that the Gospels are a blueprint for the deculturating Colonialism synonymous with Monotheism.
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